Olivia's Age

Olivia's Big Day

So Olivia had a very big day today! Last Thursday night she had an overnight oxygen test to see if we could finally take off her oxygen tubes. Her first 2 tests didn't go well... she failed them quickly. So I wasn't very optimistic about her passing this time. But about 20 minutes into the test she was still holding her oxygen rate in the 90s! I was feeling relatively hopefully that this might finally be the night. And sure enough, we got the official word from her doctor that she passed the test "with flying colors"!!! So as of this morning, Olivia is wireless! It was weird carrying her around today without having to drag the oxygen cord behind me, making sure I didn't step on it, or keeping the cat from playing with it. And, she's even cuter... I hardly thought that was possible!

We also had a pediatrician visit today. In the last 2 weeks Olivia gained a full 1 lb!!! Her doctor was very impressed... she went from being in the 3rd percentile to the 10th percentile which, according to her doctor, is a huge jump! She also had her first round on vaccinations, which I wasn't ready for. I thought that we'd have to make a separate appointment for her shots... one that I was not looking forward to. But her doctor said we could do them today or make an appointment for next week. I figured it would be better to just get them over with... and this way I would only have a short period of time to stress and freak out about it! She did so amazingly well... she did cry pretty hard with each of the 3 shots in her thighs... it made me tear up! But in about a minute she was done crying and within 5 minutes she was back in her carseat asleep! So impressive... such a rock star today!!!

6 Week Doctor Visit

Last week I had my 6 week follow up visit with my OB. I was anxious for this visit because I actually wanted to get on the scale... which is a first for me. But my pre-pregnancy jeans were starting to feel a bit big on me so I wanted to find out how much of my pregnancy weight I had lost. Not only have I lost ALL of my pregnancy weight, but an additional 6 lbs!!! I was thrilled! Now I just need to continue this and lose some more weight! I just wish the weather was a bit warmer so I would have more opportunities to take Olivia out for a walk.
My doctor was still able to feel my fibroids that I developed during pregnancy so I decided to get an ultrasound to see what is going on with them as well as the cyst that is on my ovary. So this week I had the ultrasound. Unfortunately, the fibroids have grown in size. Although my doctor (and I) are not that concerned about them since they are on the outside of the uterus (and therefore should be an issue when trying to get pregnant again). But the cyst on my ovary should have disappeared by now and instead it grew in size. I'm a bit concerned about this, so we decided to re-do the ultrasound in 2 months and see what's going on. If it gets larger, then we may have to remove it. So we'll see what happens!!!

The Flowers Visit!

Bethany, Ryan and Shaye came to Colorado Springs this past weekend to meet their niece/ cousin Olivia! We had such a great visit! Shaye is growing so much and was so much fun to have around (except for a few meltdowns!) Shaye loved seeing Nate again... although I'm not sure the feeling was mutual. Last time they visited she was 10 months old and only crawling, so he could escape her by going upstairs. Now she's running all over the place and could follow him upstairs, so Nate had to get more strategic in his hiding! She did great though, and was so cute when she would pet him or let him smell her hand.

We had a pretty low key weekend, mostly just hanging out at home. But we had a few outings to Downtown and Manitou Springs. Shaye got her first look and feel of snow and she loved it! She even got to sled down the driveway! It was so much fun!!! On Saturday night, Bethany's former roomate from San Diego (who now lives in Aurora) came down for dinner. It was great seeing Julie and getting to catch up! Bethany and Ryan made a fantastic dinner and even bananas foster for dessert! Julie was kind enough to take a picture of all of us...
It was so hard to say goodbye to everyone... I get so emotional now when my family leaves. It's really difficult being far away now that Olivia is here. I wish we could just see eveyone whenever we wanted! Maybe someday... in the meantime, we'll have lots of web calls and since I'm not working, I'll try to visit as often as possible! I can't wait to see them again!!