Olivia's Age


So I decided to start a new blog. After starting a blog when I moved to Connecticut (http://guilfordgirl.blogspot.com/), I got behind once we moved to Colorado. Suddenly there was so much going on in our lives... we intereviewed for the job Matt accepted in Colorado Springs, moved 6 weeks later, flew to California several times for wedding planning, a baby shower, bridal shower, the birth of my niece and then finally the wedding and honeymoon in October! It was exhausing!!! I just couldn't motivate to write the blog to keep everyone updated.

But finally life has slowed down for us. Matt is loving his job at the William Storms Allergy Clinic (http://www.stormsallergy.com/) and his boss, Bill Storms, loves having him thankfully! I found a job and began it in January at Farm Credit (http://www.aglending.com/) working with the Correspondant Lending group. I'm learning a ton about the farming industry as well as learning about accounting. The people I work with are great and I'm glad to feel productive again!

So I will continue to update this blog about what is going on with Matt and I here in Colorado Springs. The blog title is credited to my Mom... she's so clever!