Olivia's Age

Garden Update

Matt spent the morning over at the community garden getting his plot reading for planting. He prepared the soil and set up the borders according to his diagram. Memorial weekend is typically the time to plant here (May can sometime still be cold... we got a bit of snow just a couple of weeks ago!). He's also gotten some "walls of water" and "mini greenhouses" to help protect the baby plants from the windy conditions at the garden. These sit over or around the plants. Apparently wind is quite a concern at this garden, as we learned today. Gusts were up to 40mph all day, and if Matt had already planted the baby plants without any protection, many of them would probably have died.

Plot Before

Plot After

This afternoon we went to three different nurseries to find all the plants he needs. We bought corn, many types of tomatoes (romas, heirlooms, beefstakes, early girls, pineapple, brandy wines, yellow pears and a few more), red peppers, green peppers, brussel sprouts (I'm not too thrilled about these, although I've never tried them!), broccoli, zucchini, yellow squash, pumpkin, beets, leeks, carrots, peas, pole beans, onions (white, yellow and red), cucumber, eggplant, and tomatillos. We also got a couple of herb plants that I needed for my herb garden: tyme, rosemary and garlic. We even picked up some cat grass for Nate so he doesn't feel left out!

Here are the plants we bought... Matt also has MANY packets of seeds to plant. He still has some of the structures to build for the pole beans and cucmbers, and then we are ready to go!!!

I'll update the blog as the garden is planted and as the veggies come in!!!


Flowergirl said...
May 23, 2010 at 9:35 PM

Holy mackeral! You two will be on veggie diets for the rest of the year. Save those brussel sprouts for us. Rye and I love them!