Olivia's Age

Herb Garden is Planted

Matt is in charge of his huge plot at the community garden, so this year I chose several herbs to plant and am going to take care of the herb garden at the house. I do not have a green thumb at all, so I hope I don't kill them!!!
Some we bought as plants already started and others we bought as seeds. We got 3 pots and got them planted today! We have rosemary, basil, cilantro, thyme, garlic, chives and oregano. The cilantro was a bit limp when we planted it (as you can see in the picture below), but since watering and letting it soak up the sun, it's perked up! I can't wait for them to grow and to cook with them!

Large Pot - Rosemary (plants) and Basil (seeds)

Medium Pot - Tyme (plant), Oregano (seeds), Cilantro (plant & seeds)

Small Pot - Chives (seeds) and Garlic (actual garlic from the market broken up & put in soil)


Flowergirl said...
May 23, 2010 at 9:37 PM

We already had to replant both of our basil plants because they died right away. Also, insects keep taking bites out of our herbs. Can't wait to see how yours turn out!