Olivia's Age

Planting the Garden - Day 1

Matt finally got a chance to start planing the garden today! Even though it was still VERY windy, and pretty warm outside today, Matt really had to get the garden going. So he and Maggie headed down to the garden (I stayed at home) and got started planting.
He put in a trellis (on the left side of the picture) that he built for sugar snap peas. He put in the teepee poles (above the trellis to the right) for the cucumbers. Mini-greenhouses (the small green round plastic containers in the middle of the picture) are put over the peppers (green and red) to protect them from the wind while they are still small. And finally the "Walls of Water" (the larger green tube-like containers on the right side of the picture) look kinda like "otter pops" put together and act as protection for the baby tomato plants. I came down to bring Matt some water hose attachments and ended up being put to work helping him to fill each individual tube of the 12 walls of water we put in!

So today he planted: peas, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, and pumpkin. Still to come are: corn, more tomatoes, more peppers, pole beans, summer squash, zucchini, tomatillos, carrots, onions (yellow, red, and white), garlic, leeks, broccoli and brussel sprouts.... he's got a lot left, but he got most of the time consuming structures and plants completed today so hopefully the rest will go more quickly!

Here's how the garden is progressing: