Olivia's Age

Flower's First Visit

Last weekend Bethany, Ryan and Shaye made their first trip to Colorado. Everyone was a little worried about how Shaye would travel since she had never been on a plane and is not used to sleeping in other places. They arrived on Friday afternoon and it was great to hear that Shaye had slept through half the flight! Surprisingly, she seemed comfortable with me pretty quickly... maybe she does remember me! We got home, put Shaye down for a short nap and then headed off to the America the Beautiful park. It's a great park, with lots of kids playing for Shaye to watch (she is a serious people watcher!!) and lots of fun!

Saturday morning we headed to the zoo... I was really looking forward to seeing Shaye's reaction to feeding the giraffes and having them so up close. But as I learned over the weekend, Shaye is more interested in watching the people around her. Although with my help, she did feed a giraffe!

After returning home for her afternoon nap, we headed out to the Garden of the Gods. It's a beautiful park and we drove around and got out a few times to check it out. Then we headed over to our favorite Mexican place, Amanda's Fonda, for an early dinner.
Sunday we headed to Downtown Colorado Springs and Old Colorado City. We checked out the shops and grabbed some lunch. We were expecting rain, but it turned out to be a beautiful day... so much for weathermen! After Shaye's nap, we headed up to the north end of town and went to the Air Force Academy. We skipped the Visitor Center (not too exciting anyway), and just went straight to the Chapel and surrounding area. Luckily the Chapel was still open... although they only conduct official tours during the week, it was great that we could still check out all 3 levels. It's truly impressive!!!

Monday, we (without Matt since he was back at work!) went to Golden where the Coors Brewery is located. We took the tour and then arrived at the Lounge, where you get to taste up to 3 free beers! Ryan really loved the Batch 19, which was a resurrected recipe from before Prohibition. They are in the testing phase right now, but it seems to be popular and it sounds like it'll be on the grocery shelves sometime soon! Afterwards, we walked around the town and ate some lunch. Luckily we were able to time it all so that Shaye could take her morning and afternoon naps in car. Tuesday they were headed back home and thankfully Shaye slept through half the flight again! She did such a great job sleeping here in the Pack n' Play, going down easily for naps and at night. Shaye also had a great time interacting with Nate. The moment she laid eyes on him, she was fascinated! She would crawl around and chase him around the house, although Nate was not too thrilled when she tried to pet him and it turned into more of a slap in the face than petting! He spent the rest of the weekend keeping his eye on her and keeping his distance!

It was a fantastic trip and we loved having them around. It's so nice that family is just a quick 2 hour flight away... makes it much easily for them to visit! We can't wait to have the Flower's back!!!

To see all of the pictures Bethany and Ryan took of the trip, check out this link (there are some really cute ones I didn't include!):
