Olivia's Age

Claritin... My New Best Friend!

Thankfully I have not had any morning sickness during the pregnancy so far. Both Mom and Bethany had pretty easy pregnancies so I was hoping the same for me... and so far, so good! The only thing I've noticed the last several weeks is that my nose has been running like crazy, and I've been sneezing about 25 times (no exaggeration!) a day... and I've suddenly started sneezing in pairs almost every time which I've never done before! So strange the things pregnancy do to a body (and I'm sure this is just the beginning!)
Finally I had enough and asked Matt what I can take (so handy having a doctor in the family!). After checking his iPhone medical app he suggested Claritin. Although he doesn't necessarily think I've developed any allergies (although that's not uncommon during pregnancy apparently), he thought the Claritin could help with my symptoms... and of course, the doctor is right!!! I can finally get through my day without going through a box of Kleenex! We are hitting up Costco to get it in bulk so I've covered the rest of the pregnancy!


Flowergirl said...
August 10, 2010 at 4:08 PM

Target's brand works just as well and is super cheap. Ryan uses it from time to time when he's dying!