Olivia's Age

2nd Trimester Ultrasound

Today, in addition to our 19 week doctor's visit, we had the 2nd trimester ultrasound. In this ultrasound they go through the baby from head to toe, measuring everything from skull size, jaw bones, arm and leg bones and can even tell if the baby has a cleft palette or club foot! In addition, it's a chance to make sure the spine and heart chambers look good. The baby wasn't really cooperative during this process wanting to flip around and put it's hand up to cover the face. I found it strange that I could see the baby moving all around and yet can't feel the movement yet... although it should be any day now and I can't wait!!!
The ultrasound tech we had this time was thorough, but I didn't like her nearly as much as the guy we've had twice before. She was pleasant, but not very personable and was very "by the book"... whenever I would ask how things were looking, she just would say "you have to ask the doctor". Thankfully the doctor said all the measurements were normal and that everything looked good! They are estimating the baby to be 9 oz right now, which is right on track.
One thing they did discover is that I have 3 fibroid masses (1 was discovered on my first ultrasound). Two are connected outside the uterus and one is down near the cervix. The only concern with the one at the cervix is that it could block the baby's way out, but they feel it's not a big concern right now. Often these masses either shrink during the 3rd trimester, or the baby is able to make it's way past it during labor since everything is so flexible. They also found a cyst on my ovary, but again aren't too concerned about it since it's fairly common. They are going to have me have an ultrasound every 4 weeks through the end of the pregnancy just to track the size of the fibroids, cyst and baby and make sure everything is ok. Because of my age and the fact that I had some low placenta hormone levels, I was going to have some extra screenings anyway, so now this just makes for more opportunities to see the baby!!!
Below are the best pictures from today... The first is a 4D shot, but the baby seems camera shy! The second is a profile picture, and the last is my favorite... the baby is on it's head (the head is on the bottom, the spine goes up to the right and the butt is on top!)... a position the baby remained in for awhile so it was hard to get some measurements!!!

Afterwards, we headed to my doctor's office for our monthly visit. My sugar level was a little up, so I just need to watch my sugar intake a bit. I'll have a glucose test at 24 weeks to check for any signs of gestestional diabetes. Thankfully I only gained 2 lbs this month (I've gained a total of 8 lbs so far)! I was thrilled with that!!! I was so happy to hear that the baby is growing and that everything looked great!!! I'm looking forward to seeing the baby again in a month!!!