Olivia's Age

Shaye is 1!!!

Shaye turned 1 on Setptember 22! I can't believe it's been a whole year already!!! I was in town for her birthday celebration and was thrilled to get to spend most of the day with her on her actual birthday! Bethany, Shaye and I went to a local farmer's market and then headed to a park for a picnic lunch and some playtime. The park we went to had wood chips instead of sand, so Shaye was trying her best to get handfuls of wood chips into her mouth... I think we got most of them out, but I think she got a few down! After her afternoon nap, Ryan came home early from work and we headed over to the District to play in the mini pop-up water fountains. Shaye loved it and got soaked from head to toe! And stuck her face in the path of the water shooting up... it was hysterical to watch! She had so much fun!

I brought over Shaye's birthday gift from Matt and I so that she could have a present to open on her actual birthday. Although she was most interested in the bow I put on it than the actual gift, but in time I think she'll come to love it. We got her one of those "recordable books" from Hallmark. Matt and I recorded our voices reading the bedtime story so that she can hear our voices and get used to them. Everyone who saw it thought it was such a great idea! I think in time Shaye will love it too, but for now she doesn't have the patience to stop on each page to hear us.

Sunday was her birthday party with family and few close friends. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate and it was nearly 100 degrees!!! So it was a bit crowded in the house, but it worked out just fine. The best part of the day was Shaye devouring her birthday cake. At first she wasn't sure what it was, but after Bethany fed her a couple of fingers of frosting, it was on!!! Both hands were shoving fistfuls of cake in her mouth as quickly as possible! She literally had a beard of frosting on her face and it was the most hysterical sight I've ever seen! She really takes after her mother and that sweet tooth! For those of you on Facebook, check out my profile page where I posted a video of her! Bethany and Ryan were so thrilled to have that moment live up to all their expectations!!!


Flowergirl said...
September 30, 2010 at 11:06 AM

The Twinkle Book is in Shaye's room and she opens it up every night. It's fun for me to hear your voices every day! This morning, I was feeding Shaye breakfast downstairs and out of nowhere, I heard Matt read a page! The book was left open and it randomly clicked on by itself. I just called out, "Hi, Matt!"