Olivia's Age

Gestational Diabetes

Just before our vacation, I went for a glucose screening test. My result was a little high (163... the doctor wants it below 135), so because of that, I had to go for the bigger 3-hour test this week. It was a pain because I had to sit at the lab for 3 hours, and get blood drawn 4 times after fasting for 12 hours before, and all during the test. I had blood drawn at the start of the test (fasting), and then at each hour (Hour 1, 2, 3).
I got the call from my doctor this morning that 2 of the 4 blood tests came back abnormal (higher than wanted), and if at least 2 of the results are high, then you have gestational diabetes. In asking for my numbers, I just missed the levels wanted slightly...
Fasting result: 66
Should be under: 80
Hour 1 result: 188
Should be under: 80
Hour 2 result: 166
Should be under: 155
Hour 3 result: can't remember
Should be under: can't remember that either, but I was under
I was glad my numbers were too high, but I still have to go through the process now. So now I have to go to a diabetes center and find out about my new diet. The part this is a major pain is that I have to test my blood 6 times a day... before each meal, and then 2 hours after each meal! What a hassle!!! I was a bit overwhelmed this afternoon after picking up the tester and strips, but I'll get used to it.
My doctor feels that I'll be able to get the diabetes under control with just diet and exercise, but if for some reason that doesn't work, then there is medication I can take. So as far as things that can go wrong in pregnancy, this isn't the worst thing, but it is going to be an adjustment.