Olivia's Age

8 Months!!!

As of yesterday, I started my 32nd week and my 8th month! We only have about 7 weeks left... I can't believe it! I also had a doctor's appointment today and all went well. As I expected, the scale I used on my last visit with the other doctor was very different. According to my doctor's scale, I'm at the same weight, so it looks like I gained 5 lbs. this month... this is the most that I've gained in one month, but the baby is also growing a ton and should be about 4 lbs in weight this week! This brings my total weight gain so far to 18 lbs. Not too bad...

My sugar levels are still a bit high sometimes, so my doctor again adjusted my medication. I told her of my frustration that especially during this past week, we finally joined a gym, and I have been walking everyday, so I thought my numbers would get better. But she said to just keep up doing my best with diet and exercise and we'll just try to control things with medication. Between pregnancy and placenta hormones there is a big part of this diabetes I can't control.

We talked a bit more about a birth plan. She said that it's really important to monitor my sugar levels during the delivery, and that they'll be checked every hour. They can give me insulin if needed via an IV... the concern is that my levels could be high, which make the baby's levels high... and once delivered and the cord and placenta are cut, the baby can become hypoglycemic and kind of be "shocked" at the sudden lack of sugar. I also asked her about pain meds and she said that is up to me... whatever I want so I made sure to tell her I meds as early and as much as possible!!!

So overall, a good appointment. I heard the heartbeat and it was good and strong. The baby's head was down low today, although that will change I'm sure. I'm getting lots of movements, but also have long spells of quiet... according to my book, the baby is getting more REM sleep, so there is more down time. Thankfully the baby doesn't feel the need to be super active at night, so I'm not being woken up by kicking!

Below are pictures taken today of the growing bump... definately getting big!!