Olivia's Age

Poor Olivia!

For the past week or two Olivia has been a fussy baby! I thought it was gas, so we got some Mylicon that, at first, was helping. But the last several days she's been fussier than normal. Most of her awake time she has really been straining after feedings. I could tell it was more than just gas... she would grunt, her face would get red and it was obvious there was something wrong with her tummy! It's been really frustrating not knowing what was going on or how I could fix it. So this morning I called the pediatrician's office and got an appointment for this afternoon. After talking with the pediatrician and having her examine Olivia, she said it sounded like a classic case of reflux. So she prescribed some Zantec that I'll give to Olivia twice a day for ten days. The doctor said it's common in premies and she should outgrow it within a few months. I'll start giving it to her tonight and should hope to see some improvement within a couple of doses!

Some updated stats:
Height: 22 1/2"
Weight: 9 lbs, 4oz
Head: 34 1/2"
She's gained 12 oz in the last 2 weeks and has grown 1 1/2" in the last month! She's doing great and the doctor was very pleased with her growth!