Olivia's Age

4 Month Check Up

Olivia had her 4 month check up at the pediatrician's office last week. Here are her latest stats:

Height: 24" (50%)
Weight: 12 lbs, 2oz - officially doubling her birth weight! (25%)
Head: not sure of measurement (50%)

She's really improving, especially in her weight... really catching up from being in the 10% to the 25% now! She also got 3 more immunizations and like last time, Olivia was a Rock Star! Only cried for about 10 seconds and that was it!!! She's so awesome!

She smiles a ton now and can talk up a storm... we are just waiting to hear our first laugh! Her neck is getting stronger and stronger and her head wobbles a lot less now. We bought a Bumbo seat for her and she is sitting up in it pretty well!! She's also lifting her head up quite a bit from a laying down position. She's still not grabbing a whole lot right now... mostly just my fingers when I feed her, but that's probably her just working on it.

The doctor was pleased with her progress. She took her off the Prevacid that she was on for the reflux we thought she had and she seems to be doing great without it. She put her on her tummy and had her stand up and was glad to see her strong. I asked about teething and what to expect and she said that all the drooling and fist chewing she's doing lately is probably the start of the teeth moving around. Although it can still be many months before a tooth comes through. We've gotten some teeth rings just in case!

So she's doing great, getting stronger everyday and is a total joy for Matt and I!