Olivia's Age

Starting Solid Foods!

This week we started to introduce "solid" foods to Olivia. So far it's just the rice cereal so that she can learn how to eat off the spoon and figure out how to move the food to the back of her throat to swallow it. The first 2 days, most of the food just stayed at the front of her mouth and she really didn't get it. She also didn't understand completely about opening her mouth for food, but instead just wanted to suck it off the spoon.

Trying Solids for the First Time
But by day 3, she had it! We are on day 5 now, and she totally gets opening her mouth, taking the food off the spoon and swallowing it! I'm so impressed how quickly she got it!!!

I'm interested in getting this baby food processor that steams, defrosts and purees food for her. So once we get that, we'll start moving onto some veggies, fruits and other items. I can't wait to see what she likes.