Olivia's Age

Big Sandy

Last night Matt and I went to see Big Sandy and the Fly Rite Boys at the Rocket Room near Downtown Colorado Springs. Big Sandy is a pretty well known rockabilly group and they performed at Viva Las Vegas that we went to about a month ago. But they performed on the first night, which we missed.

So we arrived at the Rocket Room at about 8:30pm... the place is small, which I was excited about because we'd be so close to the band. There was a dance floor in the middle of the club, a small stage and 2 bars. Big Sandy was wandering around the club talking with people. Then at 9pm Big Sandy and the boys took the stage.

Big Sandy & the Fly Rite Boys
The music was great. I couldn't keep still and the dance floor was getting full. The words were a little hard to hear because we were a bit close to the speakers, but the music was great. They played for about an hour and then took a break... which ended up being about 45 minutes long. But during that time, Big Sandy walked around and talked to people. Eventually he made his way over to us and we chatted for a few minutes. Matt mentioned that this was my first Big Sandy show and I told him about going to Viva Las Vegas and hearing rockabilly music for the first time. He was really nice and at the end of the night, he even pointed out to everyone that this was my first Big Sandy show. I was impressed he remembered!

After the break, they played for nearly 2 1/2 hours straight! Matt and I danced and had so much fun. We realized that we haven't really danced that much together, and Matt hasn't done any swing dancing in years, so we were a little rusty. But I'd really like to take some swing dancing lessons so I can learn the basics and then we can hit the town. It was such a great night... hopefully we can find some more bands playing in area soon!