Olivia's Age

The Garden Plan

Matt's garden this year is going to be at the local community garden. This weekend he went for the orientation. Unfortunately he said it was so unorganized and he spent nearly an hour just to get keys and a badge. But afterwards, he received his "G8" plot which is 20' x 40' space! For $80 he get the land, use of water and access to a tiller to get the soil ready. In addition, he talked with several people and found out the good places in town to buy supplies and veggies that grow well here. So he spent today working on his plan for his spot.

In addition to all the great veggies at the community garden, my "garden" will consist of some herbs in pots here at the house. We are planning on basil, rosemary, thyme, garlic, cilantro, chives and even some sunflowers in the yard. We are going to wait a few weeks to plant the herbs since it's still been a bit cold here. I hope I'm able to keep them alive... I do not have a green thumb!!! I'm sure all our summer visitors will love tasting all Matt's amazing veggies! I can't wait for the fresh brushetta!


Flowergirl said...
May 4, 2010 at 10:37 AM

My co-worker is very involved in the garden club in Woodbridge so I am very familiar with it. Matt will have a great experience!