Olivia's Age

Two Years!!!

Two years ago at this time, Matt and I were driving across the country in my move to Connecticut!! I can't believe I've been gone from California now for 2 years... sometimes it feels like just yesterday and sometimes it feels like I've been gone for so long! So much has happened since leaving... my sister got pregnant, we got engaged, Matt got a fantastic job, we moved to Colorado, my niece was born and we got married... quite a whirlwind... especially for a girl who doesn't like change!!!

Although I thought my departure from California would be only 14 months, we've ended up in a great place. Matt and I would love to be living back in California, but Matt couldn't have found a more perfect job than the one with Dr. Storms. And Colorado Springs is a great place for us... a much closer plane ride back to California, much lower cost of living (especially housing!) and it's beautiful! It's still strange not to be living near an ocean, but the mountains help make up (a bit) for that! We might not be coming back to California to live for awhile, but we are happy in the place we've ended up!