Olivia's Age

Let There Be Light!!!

When Matt and I moved into this house, we really liked so many elements of it.... but one thing we hated was the chandelier hanging in the dining room. It is truly ugly and I hated looking at it everyday! So several weeks ago, we bought a much more simple light fixture for the room. It's not a large room, so we just wanted something that didn't get in the way, like the other one did.
We found a beautiful, simple lighting fixture that stays up near the ceiling. It's silver with a frosted glass half-globe fixture. But once we bought it, my next worry was installing it! Matt is more handy than I sometimes think he is, but still, he said he hadn't done much electric work before. We turned off the electricity to the house and got the original (seriously ugly!!!) chandelier down. Thankfully Matt kinda knew what to do and we pretty much just figured it out without using much instructions. We finally got it installed!

The room feels so much bigger now and getting rid of the original fixture really opened up this space. We got the table put in the right place and we are set! Now we just need some accessories and some pictures on the walls to get this space feeling more like home. We are getting there!!!

And when we flipped the electricity back on.... it actually worked!!!