Olivia's Age

Yes, We're Trying... No, We're Not Pregnant Yet

I know that most of you that read this blog know this already. But I've just realized that the way most people greet me anymore is "Hi... so do you have any news for me???" So I've decided to just put it out there... Yes, Matt and I have been trying to get pregnant since the wedding. No, we aren't pregnant yet.

We have actually discovered that my thyroid has been not working correctly. After getting some blood tests taken to check fertility levels and my thyroid (because I was frustrated that I wasn't pregnant), we found out my thyroid is working too slowly. Normally, when it's working too slowly, the common symptoms are feeling very tired, gaining a lot of weight, but I wasn't feeling these symptoms. The thyroid controls many things in your body, including ovulation. And I wasn't ovulating... kinda hard to get pregnant without ovulating!!! So I've been taking a pill daily that has gotten my levels back down the to numbers my doctor wants to see. Hopefully once I get the thyroid until control, the ovulation will begin!

So I don't mean to sound rude to people in writing this blog... I really appreciate that people are excited for us to start a family (we can't wait either!)... just assume that we are trying, and we will anounce any news we have when we have it!