Olivia's Age

And Baby Makes Three!!!

For those of you that don't know already, Matt and I are thrilled to annouce that we are pregnant!!! I am 14 weeks along and have been feeling great so far. The due date is February 1st. And we are NOT (I repeat NOT Bethany!!!) going to find out the sex of the baby. I figure that it's my "reward" for labor and it gives Matt his "15 Seconds of Fame" when he goes out to tell the family the sex and the name chosen. We are just thrilled.

We can't wait for the changes in store for us up ahead. Both of us have wanted children for a long time... even before we met each other! So now that it's a reality, it's so amazing. Next week we've got our monthly appointment with my doctor.

Above is a picture from our 12 week ultrasound. I love how you can see the baby's leg kicked up and it looks like he/she is just kicking back and relaxing! Keep up to date with the pregnancy with this blog!


Emily said...
August 4, 2010 at 5:46 PM

Congratulations Kara! Being a mommy is the best!