Olivia's Age

Monthly Dr. Visit and Ultrasound

Today I am at 23 weeks. We had an ultrasound and regular doctor's visit. The ultrasound went great... the baby slept during it and the technician pointed out the closed eyes and eyelids, although I couldn't really make that out. The baby was measured at 1 lb, 2 oz and is growing right on track. We got a few new pictures, but they aren't super clear.
They also saw a few newer fibroids growing, but at this point they are very small. They are still wanting to watch the one near my cervix most carefully because it could become an issue during delivery. Right now it's located behind the cervix, which is where we want it to stay. If it moves in front, it could block the baby's way out, and if I have to have a c-section, it could also be in the way. They want to avoid touching the fibroids at all costs during delivery because there is so much blood flow to that area during delivery, that they want to avoid having to cut anything they don't have to... bleeding can be very hard to stop once it starts. So for now, we are still just continuing to watch them and we'll make any decisions we need to when the time comes.
The doctor visit was also great... I only gained 1 lb this month (total of 9 lbs!) which I think was great considering I'm just over half was through! I know a lot of weight comes on in the last month or two so I was worried about gaining too much in the beginning. She didn't mention anything about my sugar levels being high, so I think the fact that I had a fruit smoothie and some soda on the day on my last visit could have been the cause of my higher results last month. Although next week I'll get blood drawn for a glucose test to get the official results. I got a prescription for some sea sickness medication I can take in case I get sea sick on the cruise coming up... I've never gotten sea sick before, but who knows how my body will react now!
So everything is going great and I'm still feeling great. So glad that the baby is growing on track. The baby is moving more and more each day and I love each kick I feel!!!