Olivia's Age

28 Weeks and a Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday I started my 28th week and officially started my 3rd trimester! I can't believe there are only 12 weeks left!!! I had a doctor's appointment this monrning and it went well. I gained 4 lbs, which is right on target. Going forward I should be gaining 3-4 lbs per month... I was impressed especially since my last appointment we went on our cruise!

She was a bit concerned with my sugar levels that I've been keeping track of. But I also reminded her that I hadn't yet taken my Diabetes education class yet (I'll take that on Friday), so I was just winging it as best I could. She wants me to contact them next Friday, after I've taken my class and been watching my diet more closely for a week, to see if the numbers have improved. If they haven't, then I'll need to go on medication to control it. She said sometimes, it just doesn't matter... you can eat perfectly and still have high levels. So hopefully my numbers will go down a bit next week once I really understand what I should and should not be eating.

I got to hear the heartbeat, which is always great to hear, and it was right on track... 163 and strong! I now also need to start paying attention to the baby's kicks. I should be able to count at least 10 movements within a 2 hour period (any 2-hour period I choose to pay attention to). If I don't feel 10 movements, then she suggested I eat something, drink a big glass of water, and then sit and relax and really pay attention. If I still don't feel 10 movements, then I need to call her. But I don't think it'll be an issue... I dont' feel the baby all day long, but definately feel him/her everyday... 10 kicks in 2 hours shouldn't be an issue!

I asked her about her opinion traveling for Christmas. I really want to head home for Christmas for a few days to see all my family one more time before the baby arrives. Matt (and my Dad) aren't thrilled with the idea, since I'll be 35 weeks along, but my doctor said that as long as everything is going along ok, and my blood pressure is doing well (it hasn't been an issue at all during the pregnancy), then it's up to me and if I feel comfortable traveling. Matt and I will discuss it, but I can't imagine spending Christmas away from my family.

We also discussed the baby's due date and what to expect. My doctor had mentioned at one point that because of my age, she wouldn't let me go past my due date (of February 1st). In talking to her today, it seems that it might be more likely that she'll be looking to deliver me closer to the 39th week, assuming I can control the diabetes without medication. If I am on medication, then we might push it up to the closer to the 38th week. It depends if I'm starting to dialate or not and when she decides that I might need to get induced. So it's looking more and more like a mid-late January baby for us!

I also got her opinion on pediatricians in the area. And I went and got my RhoGam shot... this is normally when I would have received my first shot since my blood is Rh-negative, but because of some bleeding early in the pregancy and my CVS test, I've already had two of them! I'll potentially have one more at delivery if the baby's core blood is also negative.

So lots of information during this appointment! I start going every 2 weeks now, until January when I go every week!!!

Here are baby bump pictures taken today... I'm definately growing!!


Emily said...
November 10, 2010 at 6:31 PM

Hi Kara! I know how it is when you're "shopping" for the perfect pediatrician. We love Tressie's - Dr. David Hoover with Mountain View Medical. So just another name to throw in the mix. Enjoy your third trimester and the holidays!