Olivia's Age

Monthly Ultrasound

Today I am 29 weeks along... and since I'll probably be deliered a week or two early that means there are only 9 or 10 weeks left!!!! Today we had our monthly ultrasound. Fibroids were measured... I forgot to ask their size and if they had gotten bigger (I have a Dr. appt next week so I can ask then), but we did get some good news... the one fibroid of concern near the cervix has actually moved up and further away from the cervix! That's exactly what we hoped would happen. Hopefully it continues to stay away from the cervix so it won't be an issue during delivery.
The baby weighs 2lbs, 14oz now... so nearly 3 lbs! This is right one track and about average... which is great news... I don't want a 9lb 9oz baby like Matt was!!! The baby's head, forearm, femur and abdomen were all measured as well as the amniotic fluid... everything looked great! The baby was in a breech position, so his/her feet and bottom were down. We got some great, clear profile shots, but that is all that he/she wanted to show today. Does the baby look like anyone yet??!!

We also briefly met with my doctor to discuss the gestational diabetes. I've been feeling overwhelmed and stressed that she wanted me to try my new diet for a week and see if we could get my numbers down. I felt that such a huge time would take more than a week. So in talking with her and with Matt, we decided to put me on a very low dose of medication. Since getting the diabetes under control is important for the baby, and we only have about 10 weeks left, I wanted to give the baby as much time as possible with things under control. So I'll start taking medication twice a day, will continue to work on my diet and will also start to exercise more (Matt and I are going the gym this weekend!). If my numbers get more under control, then I'll just continue with the medication, diet and exercise. Since I'm seeing the doctor next week, we'll go over my numbers. I already feel much less stressed knowing I've got the medication to help me out. And since my numbers aren't really out of control, I think that getting some regular exercise will really make the difference.

We now are seeing the doctor every 2 weeks, until the last month where we go every week. So we have another appointment next week. We are getting close!