Olivia's Age

Our First Christmas Tree!!!

Although Matt and I met 4 years ago (on December 3rd), we have yet to have a Christmas tree together. Either we lived apart while dating, or when I did move to Connecticut, we were visiting California for a long time at Christmas and also didn't really have the money for a tree. So finally this year, we got our first tree together. I am a BIG believer in having a real tree (even though my parents and sister have now moved to fake trees!!!)... there is nothing better than the smell of a Christmas tree in the house!!! So we headed out to Home Depot on Saturday and got a tree, stand and tree skirt. After a few issues with the tree stand, we finally got the tree up and lights on. After that, however, I was exhausted, so putting ornaments on didn't happen until this morning. And I don't have as many ornaments as I remembered... of course, I had forgotten that I use to put up a tree with my roommate in California, and he had his share of ornaments. Plus, over the years, the cats have broken several. But we've got enough for now... I'll probably get some more after Christmas when they are cheap! I love that the tree is in our main family room so we can really enjoy it... and smell it!!!