Olivia's Age

1 Month Old!!!

Today Olivia is 1 month old! I can't believe it! It seems like much longer since I was delivering her! She's doing so great... at her pediatrician visit a week ago, she had gained 8 oz over the previous week which is awesome! The doctor had anticipated 3-4 oz so she was thrilled with 8 oz! She's also grown 1/2" since birth putting her at 20". She's doing a great job feeding... we still are doing a combo of nursing and formula. I'm still waiting for my full milk supply to come in... both my doctor and the lactation woman at the hospital said it could be until her original due date (which is this week) before my milk comes in, so hopefully sometime soon!

We also had a cardiologist follow up appointment this week. All of the issues she had in the NICU are resolving themselves on their own either closing up or already closed. I can't remember all the acronyms of all the parts that were issues, but the cardiologist was pleased with her progress. He also suggested increasing her oxygen in hopes of getting her off it sooner. So in talking with him and the pediatrician, we have increased her oxygen level and will be testing her off the oxygen more frequently... I'm hoping it might only be a few more weeks before she's off the oxygen, but who knows! The doctors don't seem to give us any idea up front which is frustrating! I'll just be glad to have her off so that I don't have to tow around the cord all the time, and try to keep Nate from playing with it like it's a toy!

I'm so thrilled she's doing so well. She's such a sweet and calm baby which is great! She seems to sleep through most anything, and she's been doing pretty well sleeping at night and going for longer stretches between feedings, which I appreciate immensely! Our next pediatrician visit is next week for a weight check so we'll see how much bigger she's gotten!!!


Flowergirl said...
January 31, 2011 at 2:39 PM

What an adorable picture. You seem to have such a sweet daughter on your hands! You are so blessed.

Ellen said...
February 2, 2011 at 8:13 PM

She's beautiful! Thanks for sharing.