Olivia's Age

Olivia is Home!

So I'm a little behind on the blogging... but understandable because Olivia is HOME! She was able to come home one week ago after spending her first 2 weeks of life in the NICU. She finally got a hang of the feeding thing and started gaining some weight. Maggie and my Dad helped me get her home from the hospital and then it officially began!!!

So far Olivia's been great... very content, a great sleeper and really improving on her eating! She really only fusses when she's hungry... doesn't even fuss when she's got a wet or dirty diaper! I'm so thankful to have my parents here to help with her and help with things around the house. It enables me to catch a nap on many afternoons which really helps!

So now my days are filled with feedings, diaper changes and my favorite... holding my daughter! We've introduced her to a few people who have come over and of course they all think she's adorable... who could disagree?!