Olivia's Age

6 Month Check Up

I can't believe that Olivia is 6 1/2 months old now! The time is starting to fly by more quickly now. Especially now that she is learning so much every week! Last week we visited her pediatrician for her 6 month check up and to get more shots! The doctor was very pleased with her progress and said she was just "lovely". Here are her newest stats:

Height: 27" (she grew 3" in just over 2 months and is in the 75-90%!)
Weight: 14 lb, 10 oz (25% - same as last time... I think eating some solid food now will help her put on some weight)
Head: 43cm (50%)

Since seeing the doctor last she has:
- Gotten 2 teeth
- Starting to eat solid food (including applesauce, peas, carrots, zucchini, yams, sweet potatoes and pears)
- Grabs at toys and can hold and shake them
- Rolls over from her back to her tummy
- Sitting in her stroller without her car seat
- Getting stronger every week at sitting up on her own

I was also excited because the doctor said that her eyes will remain blue!!! They are a deep blue with a bit of grey in them. I have some grandparents who have/had blue eyes, but neither Matt nor I do, or any of our immediate family, so we definitely were not expecting Olivia to keep her blue eyes. They are beautiful!

She received 4 more vaccinations... one oral and 3 shots. She didn't even cry at all with the first shot and then started to cry about halfway through the second shot. About 10 seconds after the third shot, she stopped crying all together... my little Rock Star continues! I'm so impressed with her! Next visit (at 9 months) we don't have to get any shots!!!