Olivia's Age

Our First Family Vacation

Matt, Olivia and I went on our first family vacation last week to Santa Fe, NM. Olivia and I had never been there before and it had been a very long time since Matt had been there. I found a hotel that ended up being just perfect for us... a 2 room suite that was basically a 1 bedroom apartment with kitchen, family room and separate bedroom/bathroom. It was great because then Olivia could sleep in a separate room from us and we didn't have to worry about waking her up.

She did great on the 5 hour drive down, sleeping about half the time and otherwise being entertained by Mommy. We arrived a little before her bedtime on Tuesday night. On Wednesday we headed to the Plaza to check out the shops. If you are a fan of southwestern art and jewelry then this is the place for you! But I'm not really, so we didn't go into too many stores. We did check out La Fonda, a very nice hotel Matt really wanted to stay at until we saw that the cheapest rooms were $300+ per night! We hung out in the plaza and enjoyed the guitar music playing while we people watched.

Thursday we started our morning by taking Olivia to the pool. This was her first experience in a pool. At first she was a bit unsure, but quickly she was smiling and kicking and having a great time. Then we headed back into town and checked out the San Miguel Mission, Loretto Church and the Georgia O'Keefe Museum. The churches were beautiful and Olivia was great walking around town in her new Baby Bjorn. The Georgia O'Keefe museum was very disappointing because it doesn't show many of her painting. Instead it has rotating exhibits with a few of her painting scattered throughout. Thursday night we went to dinner with a friend of Matt's from college and his family. It was great to meet them, and Olivia was very well behaved as usual!

Friday we headed home, stopping in Taos on our way back. It seems to be a nice town, but it's Plaza isn't nearly as big or nice as Santa Fe's. We walked around and got some lunch and then headed home. It was a much longer trip home and Olivia had one meltdown, but overall she did great considering it took us over 6 hours to get home! This was a great first family vacation and we really enjoyed ourselves!!! Next up... Hawaii in January!!!