Olivia's Age

Doctor's Appointment

We are now going for our doctor's appointments every 2 weeks through the remainder of the year... then we move to weekly appointments until Baby B arrives. Today we met with one of the other doctor's in the practice (there are 4 total), since my doctor is out of town for Thanksgiving. I figured it's good to at least meet the other doctors, on the off chance that one of them delivers me. She was nice.

The one thing I didn't like was that I had to use their scale for my weigh in. I've been using the same scale in my doctor's offices this whole time... this new one I had to use I don't think is calibrated the same or something because it said that I had gained 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks. I definately don't think that's right. I was tempted to ask to be weighed in on my usual scale, and I should have done that. So we'll see what my weigh in is in two weeks when I'm back with my doctor and her scale! My blood pressure what still good with no changes there. We also heard the heartbeat with was strong and perfect.

She reviewed my sugar levels I've been keeping track of. In looking at them, she decided to up my dosage in the morning because I have a little more trouble with my numbers after breakfast. So now I'll be taking 2 pills in the morning and 1 at night. She said it's quite common to have to adjust dosages through the pregnancy because the further along you get, the more insulin your body needs. If I have more than 3-4 numbers that are out of my suggested range before my next appointment, then she wants me to call in and have my medication adjusted again. She really made the point that it's not anything I'm doing right or wrong... I could be doing everything right and still need adjustments. I really like that both my doctor and now the one I saw today really made a point to tell me that this isn't my fault and it's not something I'm failing at or doing to the baby. I think that's important, especially for first time Moms.

So we go back in weeks and I'll be seeing my doctor. And we'll see what the "correct" scale says!!!