Olivia's Age

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We have much to be thankful for this year... healthy and happy families, a job Matt loves, and in about 7 weeks, the arrival of Baby B!!! We were invited to spend Thanksgiving with some people we became friends with this year... the Schley's. It was just Herb, Trinnie and their son Vinny (who is the one that calls Matt Dr. Blowfish) and us... Trinnie really did all the work, cooking the turkey and side dishes. Matt made his now "famous" pumpkin cheesecake (pictured left), which was delicious... although I think I'm starting to get that cold that Matt had last weekend, so my tastebuds were a bit off today! Everything was delicious. We also enjoyed watching the Cowboys lose to the Saints! We are also really thankful to Trinnie and Herb for including us... if we can't be with our families in CA, it was great to spend the day with some good friends!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!!